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                "                                                                                                      Mission 

Working with vulnerable communities and diverse them to overcome poverty, illiteracy ,Hunger and promotional of health among rural communities  


Develop a well informed and self sustainable community for better rural livelihood.


Organization background and capacity

Mtende Homecraft Foundation is a Malawian Local Based Organization established in 2004 and registered in 2014 under the registrar of companies. Mtende exists to support and improve the livelihood of vulnerable communities in rural areas through holistic approach with Christ centered spirit in various level of rural development. It is a non-governmental, independent, charitable and non-profit making organisation. The composition of membership is drawn from different faith groupings and Mtende Home craft Foundation values and foster holistic Institutions of all existing religions for the common good of rural Malawians.


As an institutional mandate to deliver relevant and cost effective programming is based on highly qualified team of staff members who manage, lead and implement all programmes. The overwhelming majority of staff is not only regional, but originates from the very communities that Mtende serves. All are proficient in local language and custom bringing a diverse, energetic, and committed and competency to Mtende Homecraft Foundation work.


Currently Mtende Homecraft Foundation has active Board of Trustees composed of 5 members with sound educational and academic background ranging from holders of Doctorate, Decrees, Diploma and Certificate such as two Reverends with one being lecturer at Mzuzu University. The management team is headed by Executive Director and Program Manager who are holders of Bachelor Degrees in Education and Public health respectively. These individual technical capacities have been well nurtured over 10 years with relevant exposure to specific skills acquisition from hands on expertise in Mtende programmes.

Mtende financial capacity depends on support from partners, government and institutional income generating programmes that help to achieve the organization intended goal











                                                        CORE  VALUES

  • Participation: - To promote participation and association in social activities.

  • - Execution of duties without exclusion and partiality and corruption.

  • Transparency and accountability: - We are committed to being transparent, honest, accountable and trustworthy.

  • Sustainability: - We believe in comprehensive sustenance of social-cultural and moral values and development infrastructure.

  • Christ centered spirit: - We believe in executing our duties with Christ spirit of non discrimination and condemnation.


                                                              Organization Strategic objectives


  1. Provision of trainings, care, support and entrepreneurship in education sector.

  2. Provision of capacity building inform of trainings and support to smallholder farmers.

  3. Provision of health care and support to orphans and vulnerable communities.

  4. Empowerment of vulnerable communities with vocational and entrepreneurial skills, gender and human rights.



1. Education

2. Youth and Women Economic Empowerment

3. Community  skills development center

4. Gender equality and Human rights

5. Health and HIV/AIDS Management

6. Environmental Management







Mrs. Nolia Chivundiko Gondwe

Director; Chivundiko Civil Engineering

+265 999 953 667



Mr. Samuel Kapuzula

ADC Chairman: Traditional Authority Kachulu

ADC – Phoka +265 881 987 627

Mr. Fraser Msiska

Reverend; New Apostolic Church

+265 888 545 036


Mrs. Ellen Kapopo Mhango

Nurse; David Gordon Memorial Hospital-Livingstonia +265 888 653 373


Dr. Foster C. Lungu     

Professional Qualification

Position Board Chairperson

Lecture; Mzuzu University - +265 999 241 573




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+265 991 590 510

+265 888 505 339

Mantchewe Waterfalls Street
P.O Box 21 Livingstonia,

Rumphi Malawi

©2020 by Rev Rockin Mwabanga

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