Projects Implemented
Previous projects successfully completed
Since inception, Mtende Homecraft Foundation has implemented a number of projects funded by different partners in areas of education, environment management, climate change mitigation, school health and sanitation including governance and human rights programmes.
Climate change mitigation
On climate change mitigation, Mtende Homecraft Foundation has supported the target community with re-afforestation programme setting up woodlots and planting trees along Livingstonia escarpments and river banks in T/A Kachulu.
2 School Health and Sanitation Project,
Following a survey conducted in two primary education zones in T/As Kachulu and Mwalweni, a number of schools did not have enough sanitation facilities hence polluting the surrounding environment and this prompted Mtende to initiate project known as school sanitation programme. This project managed to build capacity of school staff and students to properly manage the environment and further construct 25 sanitation facilities in schools which have helped to improve and protect environment in schools.
3 Community Action Towards Quality Education
Currently, Mtende has completed an 18 months project entitled “Community Action Towards Quality Education” funded by Tilitonse Fund aimed at promoting good governance, transparency and accountability in schools, VDCs and ADCs. The project has yielded successful results and best practices.