Youth Vocational and Entrepreneurship

Youth in bakery production

Youth in bricklaying
‘Mtende Community Vocational and Entrepreneurship Programme ’ is a community Incubation centre for young women and girls to acquire entrepreneurship skills and knowledge for job creation and sustainable business management facilitated by Mtende Homecraft Foundation in partnership with Teveta. The programme is building capacity of young women and girls through training and internship programmes targeting 1,742 registered incubates as beneficiaries.
Owing to scarcity of women training centres that provide women vocational and entrepreneurship development programmes in rural areas, have created major challenges regarding women to attain economic advancement hence increased poverty and unemployment rate among girls and young women. It recognizes, therefore, that entrepreneurship is key in breeding a pool of incubates as innovators that are able to set up and manage successful and productive enterprises using skills, knowledge and attitudes gained during training in various vocational and entrepreneurship programmes. Through these enterprises, women innovators would improve their livelihoods, create meaningful change for themselves and spur Malawi’s economic growth. Therefore this programme will outlines specific programs that will be undertaken to achieve the overall goal of producing incubates (women) with entrepreneurial values and skills. It is worth mentioning that entrepreneurship is a broad subject and is meant to make people productive both in wage earning or self-employment. However, the focus of this programme is based on reducing poverty and unemployment rate among girls and young women through self employment and enterprise development