Mtende Foundation is grateful to our Partners in Malawi and abroad for the support and cooperation for successful programs. Your timely financial and technical support have really helped us to achieve our goal and it’s our appeal to you to continue with this support in future so that we reach out to many vulnerable communities especially in child education, environmental management and socio-economic empowerment for youth and women programmes
1.Global Environmental Facility (GEF) through UNDP - Malawi (www.undp.org)
2. Anike Foundation (www.anikefoundation.org)
3.United States African Development Foundation (USADF) through US-Embassy - Malawi)
4. Spin the Wheel - Greece (www.spinthewheel.gr)
5. Beit Trust (www.beittrust.org)
6. British High Commission - Malawi office
7. Tilitonse Foundation - (www.tilitonsefoundation.org)
8. Technical Education Vocational and Entreprenuership Training Authority (TEVETA) - Malawi
9. Democracy Consolidation Programme (DCP) Malawi .
10. World University Services of Canada (WUSC) - Malawi office.
11. Friend Of Malawi FOMA grants
12.Project Support Group PSG